Intentional Engagement


Visualize yourself in a typical work day...

Within your most common environments, work & nonwork. Be specific with each activity, behavior, or situation? What is really filling my bucket? Is it the challenge? A connection? Quiet or still mind? Using your body to accomplish something? Once you become more self-aware of these components you can intentionally and proactively seek more opportunities with similar components. For example, there may be a natural tendency to say “my partner or kids fill my bucket.” Do they always?


What drains my energy?
What depletes my zest and enthusiasm to be present as my best self?
What moves me down the emotional spiral?
What brings me joy, energy, and happiness?
What rejuvenates my body, mind, and spirit?
What moves me up the emotional spiral?

What Fill My Bucket ?
What Empties My Bucket?
What Empties My Bucket?
3 SMART GOALS or strategies to achieve a fuller bucket: