Metrics and KPI’s

Knowledge Building:

Metrics are defined as quantifiable measures used to assess performance and track progress or production. 

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicators

In today’s video, we’ll delve into three essential strategies to help leaders develop effective metrics and KPIs

Strategy 1: Define Clear Objectives

Start by clearly defining the objectives you want to achieve. Your KPIs should provide objective evidence of progress towards these desired results. Ensure that each metric is relevant to the overarching goal and offers a comparison that gauges performance change over time.

Strategy 2: Select Relevant Metrics

Choose metrics that track various aspects such as efficiency, effectiveness, quality, timeliness, and resource utilization. These metrics should not only measure what they are intended to but also inform better decision-making. Identify clear ways for individuals to influence or contribute to improving each KPI.

Strategy 3: Foster Transparency and Accountability

Regularly share and display the metrics in an easily accessible manner. This fosters transparency, accountability, and trust within the team. Moreover, sharing metrics can empower individuals to track changes in their own behavior, facilitating personal and professional growth.

By defining clear objectives, selecting relevant metrics, and fostering transparency and accountability, leaders can effectively develop metrics and KPIs that drive progress and success in their organizations. Remember, monitoring goal progress is essential for translating goals into action and achieving desired outcomes.



Rate your current ability to cultivate flexiblity 1-5 (5 highest).


Discuss one of your team goals with your team members. Have team members identify potential KPIs that would be relevant to measure performance in those scenarios. This encourages critical thinking and application of KPIs.