
Knowledge Building:

Problem-solving is defined as the process of finding solutions to difficult or complex issues.
-Oxford Languages

Leaders not only solve problems for and with their teams, they can also empower their teams to solve problems without them if needed.  Let’s explore a five-step framework to guide leaders through effective problem-solving.

#1 Determine the Issue: Start by identifying the problem or challenge at hand. Analyze the situation to understand its root causes and implications.

#2 Identify the Vision: Define a clear vision or goal that you want to achieve. Having a clear understanding of the desired outcome will guide your problem-solving efforts.

#3 Brainstorm Solutions: Encourage creativity and innovation by brainstorming a range of potential solutions. Explore different perspectives and approaches to address the problem effectively.

#4 Align Communications and Resources: Once you’ve chosen a solution, align your communication and resources to support its implementation. Ensure that everyone is on the same page and has the necessary support to execute the plan.

#5 Collaborate and Implement: Foster collaboration among team members to implement the chosen solution. Assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress to ensure successful implementation.

By following these five steps leaders can enhance their problem-solving skills and drive positive outcomes for their teams. Remember… problems, challenges, or “fires” can emerge at any time, often without warning, so it’s best to be armed with an effective framework, which has been practiced, refined, and ready to deploy! 


Reflect on how you typically engage your team through the process of problem solving.


Rate your current ability to problem solve 1-5 (5 highest).

Challenges (2 options)

Lead a reverse brainstorming exercise. In this exercise, use the problem solving template to generate ideas as to what is causing a specific problem. Then participants work together to find solutions to the identified issues.