Be Intentional

Knowledge Building:

Definition of intentional (adj.)- done on purpose, deliberate. Being intentional means that you are hyper focused on being deliberate with your actions, including your thinking practices.

Opposites: mindless, autopilot, random, automatic, robotic, inconsequential, apathetic

Intentionality is rational, it’s voluntary, it’s strategic, it’s calculated, and it’s premeditated. It’s not accidental, random, or unplanned. When we’re intentional, we’re in the driver’s seat with our thoughts and actions. Once we are self-aware and in control of our engagements, we can then optimize our performance towards living with purpose and achieving our goals!

In REVITALIZE, you briefly explored what it means to be intentional with your purpose, time, digital media, technology, relationships, and culture. In the current landscape of the digital age we live in, distractions and information overload are highly prevalent. We’re constantly sifting and sorting through the seemingly endless bombardment of content, notifications, emails, chats, texts, and snap!

By defining your individual purpose and core values, you were able to take the opportunity to refocus your life and where you need to be more intentional.

For employees, being intentional with colleagues both at a macro and micro level suggests fostering meaningful connections and communication. The “Pause. Reflect. Play.” concept can be a valuable tool in maintaining focus and ensuring that time and attention are directed toward activities that align with individual and collective goals.

  • During this time, pause what you are doing…for a few seconds or minutes.
  • Reflect, is this activity benefiting me? How long have I spent on the phone or computer? Is there something or someone else I should be paying attention to?
  • Play… re-engage by living out the best version of yourself in that moment.


Reflect on your experiences with the “Pause. Reflect. Play.” practice since starting the REVITALIZE program and answer these questions.


Rate your current ability to “Be Intentional” 1-5 (5 highest) in your life..
